Saturday, June 24, 2006


Another weigh-in this morning; I am now at -8 pounds from my starting weight. People are starting to say I look thinner, I'm not sure whether or not to believe that. Perhaps the sad look on my face is what makes people think I am thinner. But not to worry, things are looking up for me now! It's the turning point in my recovery. I had my first meal of solid food last night, and I am happily back to eating some normal foods, albeit at a relatively slow and careful pace. I am chewing on the right side of my mouth, very mindful not to get any sharp or hard pieces of food over into the left side where it could cause some pain and/or damage. I can also feel some strands of the stitches with my tongue which can be annoying. But hey I am just glad to be eating chicken and beef again. I've had just about all the jook, flan and mashed potatoes that I can stand for a while.

People work towards a goal a little faster with the appropriate motivation, so for me it's all about looking forward to a good burger and some fries again. It seems the battle to build the ultimate burger is an ongoing one, and it's not just about bigger, but also better. With that in mind, I submit for your review, a new $100 burger patty created in Florida, crafted from the most expensive beef from the U.S., Japan and Argentina.

It's only a modest 20 ounces in size so it doesn't pose a threat to the size kings from Fuddruckers or Denny's Beer Barrell Pub, but it must be pretty high up there on the flavor scale. It's offered at a country club in Boca Raton where the price of membership tops $40,000. Crap, that's a bit much for me, I just want a taste of the burger. You think if I hung out in the parking lot of the country club, I could wait for a member to pass by and see if he would be willing to bring me out a piece of the burger? "Pssst, hey buddy, give you $50 to let me try some of your burger." Well when I am fully recovered, I'll probably just have a homemade burger party and roll up some nice fat patties myself. That will be tasty enough to tide me over until I find myself on the east coast within range of one of these burger champions.

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