Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Another bloody morning ... and not just in the British sense, but literally. My gums are still bleeding overnight. My morning ritual consists of getting out of bed, rinsing my mouth, and going downstairs to take various medications. 1 of this a day, 1 of these every four hours, another of this one 4 times a day... so this is what old age is like. There sure isn't much going for it, unless you count all the AARP benefits and senior discounts at restaurants. Believe it or not, I've started getting mail from the AARP. (That's the American Association of Retired Persons for you youngsters out there who've never heard of it.) I wouldn't mind getting a few bucks off the Denny's breakfast special but c'mon, they gotta be better at tracking people's ages than that. The government can listen in on our cell phone conversations, read a license plate from outer space, but they can't ensure I'm getting correct mail for my age and demographic?

V. just came back from her first medical checkup in a while ... she only scheduled it after repeated nagging from me. She came back with all sorts of sample pills and an warning to drink less soda, eat less sugar, etc. Our counter is starting to look like the pharmacy counter at Walgreen's. But I take some dark delight in the fact that the tables are turning. At long last she is held to the same standard as me! Let's see how much she enjoys eating broccoli and low carbs for a while.

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