Friday, June 09, 2006


It's hard to believe but I have not taken any vacation yet this year... and I will rack up a mind-boggling 49 days of vacation by the end of this year due to unused days rolled over from last year. That means I could take a week off every month from now until December and still have leftover days. It would be great, if my work permitted it. I'm usually too busy to take off that much time. But hey they give it to me for a reason, so I'm going to take some of it for sure. I'll be taking 2 weeks off at the end of this month (June). V. doesn't want to take enough time off to travel anywhere until later in the fall, so I may just plan little day trips here and there around the Bay Area. I could also do a few long endurance races on my PS2 with Gran Turismo 4, or play all of my Grand Theft Auto games back-to-back.

It's not all fun and games though. Since I finally have the time to do it I am going to finish the periodontal surgery that I started last year. Last year I had one side of my mouth done and it was probably the worst pain I've ever experienced. I had to chew food only on one side of my mouth for months while it healed. Now it's time to do the other side. I've got prescriptions for hydrocodone, the generic form of Vicodin, but last time it didn't kill all the pain. I think I learned my lesson and I'll be taking those pills early and regularly this time. I told my coworkers I'm going to call them and leave funny messages while I'm flying high as a kite.

Speaking of high, check out one of my favorite music videos of all time, from the Chemical Brothers -- the song is "Get Yourself High". The song was so catchy, I found myself singing it for days... and the video is pure brilliance.

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