Monday, June 26, 2006


Today marks the kickoff of my Summer Drive 2006 -- a week of drives through the Bay Area's greatest sports car roads. My ride today: the MR2 Spyder, which sports fresh new Toyo T1R tires begging to be scrubbed.

For the first day, I chose a modestly brief ride through the East Bay hills. From Fremont a short drive through the sweepers of Niles Canyon takes me to Palomares Rd, which winds up to Castro Valley.

From there I find my way to Redwood Rd, a set of gently winding curves up into the hills behind San Leandro and Oakland. An easy to miss sharp turn onto Pinehurst Rd takes me into a secluded redwood forest where the trees tower above me, blotting out much of the sunlight even on the sunniest of summer days. In the middle of the redwoods sits what must be one of the nicest locations for a post office in the Bay Area. A small creek flows right past it and I stop to admire it in the shade of the very tall trees. The building proudly informs you that you have found your way to Canyon, CA.

And then, because it was altogether too short, I turned around and drove back down the way I came, taking in the views and fresh air once more.

At the end of my drive, I noticed something caught in the front grille of my Spyder. A colorful butterfly had fallen victim to my speeding arachnid. It was sad, beautiful and poetic all at once.

For more photos from today's drive visit my Imagestation album:

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