Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So I had my quarterly doctor's visit to check my blood glucose levels yesterday ... and as predicted (see 'consumption' a few posts back) eatin' good in the neighborhood is taking its toll. I am slowly inching right up to the verge of being diabetic. Maybe it was that candy bar I was eating just as I walked in to get my blood drawn. Just kidding. The doctor advised me to work on losing some weight, and set a goal of losing 25 lbs by the time my next checkup comes up in October. About 20 weeks ... holy crap that means I gotta lose 1.25 lbs per week! That's like eating 5 fewer Quarter Pounders every week. Well not that I do that, but if I did, that's what I'd be giving up. It's like skipping a meal every day. I already skip breakfast most days, so now I'd be down to the equivalent of one meal a day. The doc said I should try to eat about 1200 calories a day. Ain't that some sorry shyte!

So V. runs out to the store and buys some healthy chicken breasts and cooked 'em up until I was starving at 9:30pm. Along with some kind of giant mutant ultragreen broccoli. Yum. I brought some more for lunch at work and got admiring comments from my coworkers. Fabulous. I ordered dinner at the office -- Chopped BBQ Chicken Salad. That ain't so bad. After work I hit the treadmill in the gym downstairs for a half hour. I step on the scale to see where I am at. No change. Oh well. Now I just have to resist the urge to stop at Carl's Jr. on the way home ...

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