Thursday, February 02, 2012


The Super Bowl, America's ultimate celebration of NFL football championship is coming this weekend.  To tell you the truth since it's New England vs. New York we West-Coasters don't really give a rat's ass who wins this year.   Since I'm not really a huge football fan I tend to watch just as much for the Super Bowl ads as for the game.  Usually there is a lot of hubbub about the incredibly expensive and often creative television ads that major companies will debut at this hugely-watched event.  No doubt Doritos and Budweiser will have some spots that will be the water-cooler talk-of-the-town for days after the game, but right now I'm seeing a lot of sneak previews on the automotive websites, showing both some pretty cool and pretty lame ads for various auto makes that are hoping to kick start their 2012 sales and become part of the  post-Super Bowl buzz.

Kia's new ad for the Optima sedan is one such ad that to me seems to hit the right spot:  it's creative, it's funny, it targets their ideal demographic, and it features Adriana Lima, Motley Crue, and UFC fighting.  Need I say more?

Oh, I do?  Well how about a supplemental 5-hour video of Adriana Lima waving a flag in slow motion, compliments of Kia?  Ok, you're welcome.  Hit the link below to see both the ad and the 5-hour slo-mo Limafest.  I envision lots of people just putting that up on their big screen TVs and using it as a backdrop... not just because Ms. Lima is there, but because the happy little bossa nova beat is just fantastic as background music.

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