Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am saddened by the passing of my dear friend and faithful fish Spencer. He was not doing well when we returned from our trip and continued to decline. I came home last night and he swam up to greet me for the last time but didn't seem to be eating at all. A few hours later he was belly up at the bottom of the bowl. I said farewell to him this morning and hope he is in a happy place. I miss you little guy and the house already seems a little emptier without you.

1 comment:

P.Mok said...

I guess for some people the mourning period goes quicker than others ... within a day V. had picked up a replacement fish at Petco for me. Always pragmatic, she said there's no sense in letting the bowl and the rest of our fish food go to waste. It's another blue and red betta fish, and this one has a more elaborate crowntail. It took me a day or two to warm up to the new guy because I wasn't ready to put Spencer out of my mind just yet, but this one is cute in a goofy kind of way. I have decided to call him Furley, inspired by the character from one of our favorite TV shows from the '80s, Three's Company.